Why the United Methodist Church is REALLY Splitting: The Big-Picture History
Article by John Lomperis on January 21, 2021 - This article outlines the history going back decades on how "modernists" in the church have walked away from Scriptural teachings that are basic to Christianity. It is a well written summary that puts the upcoming split in clear and understandable terms. CLICK HERE to read the article.
West Ohio Wesleyan Covenant Association - Update
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the UMC General Conference that was to be held in May, 2020, was delayed to 2021. The Plan of Separation, outlined below, was expected to be acted upon at that time. Unfortunately the UMC General Conference was again delayed to 2022 due to COVID. Meanwhile, The West Ohio WCA held its annual meeting on August 31, 2020, and again in 2021 with the 2022 meeting scheduled for May. The West Ohio Wesleyan Covenant Association is a group of traditionalist Christians in the West Ohio Conference of the United Methodist. They are committed to revival in the church and the spread of Scriptural Holiness throughout the land.
Here is a link to a letter released by the West Ohio WCA. West Ohio Wesleyan Covenant Association Annual Meeting.
You can also watch a YouTube video of the 2020 virtual West Ohio WCA Annual meeting. It includes an inspirational message by Rev. Dr. Jerry Kulah as well as an update and report by WCA President Dr. Boyette. Video Link Here
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the UMC General Conference that was to be held in May, 2020, was delayed to 2021. The Plan of Separation, outlined below, was expected to be acted upon at that time. Unfortunately the UMC General Conference was again delayed to 2022 due to COVID. Meanwhile, The West Ohio WCA held its annual meeting on August 31, 2020, and again in 2021 with the 2022 meeting scheduled for May. The West Ohio Wesleyan Covenant Association is a group of traditionalist Christians in the West Ohio Conference of the United Methodist. They are committed to revival in the church and the spread of Scriptural Holiness throughout the land.
Here is a link to a letter released by the West Ohio WCA. West Ohio Wesleyan Covenant Association Annual Meeting.
You can also watch a YouTube video of the 2020 virtual West Ohio WCA Annual meeting. It includes an inspirational message by Rev. Dr. Jerry Kulah as well as an update and report by WCA President Dr. Boyette. Video Link Here
UMC & GC2020, 2021, 2022...2024
The United Methodist Church is at a crossroads. For quite some time there has been an effort to have the church change its Book of Discipline. While the "news media" tends to focus on how liberals wish the church to align with trends in the secular world regarding sexual behavior, there is much more to the issue. The Scriptures give us a clear listing of the various types of behavior which are sinful and for which we are called to repent. Traditional Evangelical Christians believe the Bible is the inspired word of God and we should use it to guide our lives. Traditional orthodox Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God, was born of the virgin Mary, died on the cross for the remission of our sins, was Himself without sin, and rose from the dead. Progressives believe we should set aside some of these teachings. This came to a head at the St. Louis Special General Conference in 2019. The "One Church Plan" promoted by the progressives was defeated and the "Traditional Plan" was approved. Due to the pandemic, the GC2020 was cancelled and moved to 2021 and then again to 2022. It was expected that important decisions on the future of our global church would be made at the General Conference. Now, the Council on General Conference has cancelled General Conference until 2024. Meanwhile, orthodox evangelical pastors and churches are facing increasing difficulties from liberal bishops.
Below are some links you can use to educate yourself regarding to roots of our denomination as well as keep informed of what Evangelical Christians are doing to maintain faith with Biblical Teachings. You can also sign up for newsletters on these sites.
Below are some links you can use to educate yourself regarding to roots of our denomination as well as keep informed of what Evangelical Christians are doing to maintain faith with Biblical Teachings. You can also sign up for newsletters on these sites.
What Do Methodists Believe? - This is the article reporting on the UMC survey of its members that our delegates to 2020 Annual Conference noted when reporting to the Liberty Chapel congregation. It makes for interesting reading and shows how our denomination has fallen short in teaching basic articles of faith to our children and new members. Click on the links at right to download these to read.
Plan of Separation Proposed
January 3, 2020 - A prominent group of 16 United Methodists released a detailed proposal today calling for an amicable separation of The United Methodist Church. The group included individuals representing all the major advocacy organizations affiliated with the church and eight bishops from around the world, including Bishop Kenneth Carter, current president of the Council of Bishops, and Bishop Cynthia Fierro Harvey, the council’s president-elect.
The distinguished attorney Kenneth Feinberg served, pro bono, as the mediator who guided the diverse group to an agreement. Among many important assignments, Feinberg is widely known as the special master of the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund.
BELOW - The links below include news releases and details from Good News and from the Wesleyan Covenant Association. The "Signed Protocol Statement" below is the actual agreement that was signed and will now need to be made into legislation to be passed at the 2020 General Conference. The "Mediation Process - FAQ" discusses the mediation that led to the Signed Protocol Statement, who was involved, and general information relative to questions about decisions and implications moving forward.
The distinguished attorney Kenneth Feinberg served, pro bono, as the mediator who guided the diverse group to an agreement. Among many important assignments, Feinberg is widely known as the special master of the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund.
BELOW - The links below include news releases and details from Good News and from the Wesleyan Covenant Association. The "Signed Protocol Statement" below is the actual agreement that was signed and will now need to be made into legislation to be passed at the 2020 General Conference. The "Mediation Process - FAQ" discusses the mediation that led to the Signed Protocol Statement, who was involved, and general information relative to questions about decisions and implications moving forward.
Wesleyan Covenant Association - This is the world-wide association of traditional Evangelical Christians who believe we should maintain the traditional Wesleyan Methodist approach. Click on this link to go to their home page. You can read articles, sign up for newsletters, join the WCA, and donate to support their work.
Good News Magazine - This is the traditional magazine that for 45 years has worked to support grassroots network for evangelical advocacy, fellowship, and prayer support. Here is a link where you can subscribe as well as read past articles. https://goodnewsmag.org/
Wesley21 - Wesley21 is the resource hub for Good News, an evangelical ministry working for spiritual renewal and theological reform within The United Methodist Church. We want to point United Methodists and other warm-hearted believers to the faithful and vibrant practice of orthodox Wesleyan Christianity. Here is their web site. http://wesley21.com/
- Home Page https://wesleyancovenant.org/
- Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/wesleyancovenant/
- West Ohio Wesleyan Covenant Association https://www.facebook.com/WestOhioWCA/
- WCA News Articles & Resources https://wesleyancovenant.org/33-blog/
Good News Magazine - This is the traditional magazine that for 45 years has worked to support grassroots network for evangelical advocacy, fellowship, and prayer support. Here is a link where you can subscribe as well as read past articles. https://goodnewsmag.org/
Wesley21 - Wesley21 is the resource hub for Good News, an evangelical ministry working for spiritual renewal and theological reform within The United Methodist Church. We want to point United Methodists and other warm-hearted believers to the faithful and vibrant practice of orthodox Wesleyan Christianity. Here is their web site. http://wesley21.com/
UMC 2016 Book of Discipline - This is the governing document of our denomination. Click on the link at right to download a PDF which you can save on your computer to use as a reference. This includes the language of the Traditional Plan passed at GC2019 that went into effect January 1, 2020.