Lay Witness Mission - March 4-6 - “Ignite: A Weekend To Set Your Soul On Fire” is the name for the Lay Witness Mission our congregation held. It was a weekend of lay people telling of experiences in their faith journey, which include stories of God lighting new fires of renewal in individuals and in congregations. It is part of Christian growth, a process of being filled, gifted, empowered, and led by the Holy Spirit in ministry to the world. The purpose of Ignite was to help our members become active followers of Jesus Christ and to grow in their Christian discipleship. It is reaching out to people where they are and receiving them as they are. People will then be encouraged to live a life of faithful Christian discipleship, growing in the image of Christ and living as Christ in their world at school, work, home, and in their communities. We hope you were blessed by the prayer devotions preparing for our Law Witness! Let us give the Lord our thanks for all He has done and praise Him for what He will do in our hearts as a result of this weekend. We end with these verses, Colossians 1: 3-6. "We always pray for you, and we give thanks to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, for we have heard that you trust in Christ Jesus and that you love all God's people. You do this because you are looking forward to the joys of heaven - as you have been ever since you heard the truth of the Good News. This same Good News that came to you is going out all over the world. It is changing lives everywhere, just as it changed yours that very first day you heard and understood the truth about God's great kindness to sinners." |
Friday, March 4
6:30pm - All church meal - everything is provided 7:15pm - Begin the first General Session in the Sanctuary. Also, nursery, children and youth programs begin; 8:15pm - Small groups meet for discussion; 9:00pm - Everyone gathers in the Sanctuary for reports from the small groups; Nursey Care (Infant to Kindergarten) 7:00-9:30pm Saturday, March 5 10:00-11:30am - Coffee groups meet in homes. The youth meet separately. 12:00pm - All church luncheon; Children eat with their parents; 1:00pm - Separate sessions for women, men, youth and children; 2:00pm - Afternoon visitations to ill and home-bound (optional) 6:00pm - All church meal - everything provided 7:00pm - Begin the second General Session in the Sanctuary. 8:00pm - Small groups meet; Each group dismisses when ready. 8:45-9:15pm - The Sanctuary is open for prayer and meditation. Nursey Care (Infant to Kindergarten) 9:30am-12:00pm; 12:30pm-2:00pm; 7:00-9:30pm Sunday, March 6 9:15am - Lay Team leads youth and adult Sunday School lessons; 10:30am - Morning Worship led by Lay Witness Team followed by all church potluck meal and farewell to witnesses; 6:30pm - All church Celebration and Visioning Service Nursey Care (Infant to Kindergarten) 9:00am-12:00pm |
Friday Evening Activities
A welcoming dinner was held for our visiting Lay Witness Team and the congregation.
The youth joined in the celebration of witness.
Members met in small group discussions to discuss our church and how we could witness for God.
In the general session we had music, witness and celebration.
Lay Witness Team Members shared their experience with God.
Each small group reported back to the General Session on their group's ideas and how as a church we might move forward.
The Sanctuary was packed for our first General Session.
Lay Witness Team Members shared their witness of God's work in their lives.
Each small group reported back to the General Session on their group's ideas and how as a church we might move forward.
Saturday Activities
Small group discussions were held in the morning at coffees in homes.
Separate discussion and witness sessions were held for men and women.
A second General Session was held with the men coming to the alter to sing.
An all-church luncheon was held for members in the church.
After visitations to the ill and home bound an all-church supper was provided.
Members met in small group discussions to witness how God is in our lives.
Separate discussion and witness sessions were held for men and women.
A second General Session was held with the men coming to the altar to sing.
The day-long activities closed with music, worship and prayer in the Sanctuary.
Sunday Activities
Sunday School sessions were led by Law Witness Team members.
Morning worship was led by the Lay Witness Team bringing music and witness.
An all-church potluck was held with the visiting Lay Witness Team.
Sunday School sessions were led by Law Witness Team members.
Morning worship was led by the Lay Witness Team bringing music and witness.
Sunday evening we concluded the LWM with music, testimony and visioning for the future - what do we do next?
Morning worship was led by the Lay Witness Team bringing music and witness.
An all-church potluck was held with the visiting Lay Witness Team.