Crist Family Concert, October 12, 2014
The Crist Family has been one of the fastest rising family groups in gospel music today. The group began as a part-time ministry in 1987. In 2004, after seventeen years in ministry on the West Coast, God called them to full-time ministry. They stepped out in faith by quitting their jobs, selling all they had and relocating across the country from Seattle, Washington to just north of Knoxville, Tennessee. God has clearly placed His hand on this group and has chosen to bless their step of faith for His glory. You will be blessed as you hear this beautiful family group sing songs that glorify God and lift the spirit of every person with whom they come in contact. The Crist Family concert featured the six member ensemble singing duets, trios, quartets, and as a full ensemble in four, five, and six part harmonies. Their music was presented with powerful and intricate harmonies, high energy, clever staging, and moving testimonies. Following their concert during our 10:00am service the Crist family joined us for a church-wide potluck lunch in our community room. For those interested in learning more about the group or purchasing CDs or DVDs of their Christian music and shows here is a link to their web site. |